How we met

1972 October 31

Created by Marci 9 years ago
I met Mark at a Halloween party my brother and I put on when we were 11 and 13. He was one of Billys guests. I remember him as sitting on the couch and watching me as I danced around having fun. We dated with my little brother along. And fell in love. But it wasn't to be at that time, I was too young. My family and I moved away and it was too far and I was too young. But the year I turned 18 I begged for a trip home to see my "girlfriends" LOL I called Mark to see if there was a spark there. Oh my was there. We went out and a forest fire of passion that lit our souls on fire was born. He asked me to be his wife that night. It was said by others it wouldn't last, but it did. 33 years we were together. It wasn't always easy, or fun. But together we were strong. I carry that with me into the next chapter of my life. Thank You Mark for being my husband and lover.